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Edgemont Solar Garden was founded in 1978 through a partnership with City Commissioner Dean Lovelace, Brother Ed Zamierowski from the University of Dayton, and Mattie Davis, an Edgemont resident leader. Their combined efforts transformed a razed factory site on Miami Chapel Road into a neighborhood garden and community center.



Over the past forty years, the Solar Garden and center provided valuable programs within the neighborhood, especially for area youth. Unfortunately, the community center suffered fire damage after being struck by lightning in June 2016. The center has been boarded since, and repair of the structure is uncertain. 


Solar Garden

In recent years, the Edgemont Solar Garden partnered with Ohio State Extension and Homefull to renovate the greenhouse on the property. The renovation was funded by a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Repairs to the hoop house, construction of raised beds, and an update to the electric system was also completed with CDBG funds.


A Dayton Mini-Grant was awarded to the solar garden to upgrade the water line in 2018. Partnerships with Central State Dayton and Extension, Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association (OEFFA), West Dayton Food Access Collective, Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Dunbar High School, and the University of Dayton Fitz Center Civic Scholars are underway.

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